He-Man’s Best One-Liners That Put Skeletor to Shame [Video]
As we’ve already shown you, Skeletor might be the master of insults, but HE-MAN is still the Master of the Universe, and has some great one-liners of his own! [DreamWorksTV]
As we’ve already shown you, Skeletor might be the master of insults, but HE-MAN is still the Master of the Universe, and has some great one-liners of his own! [DreamWorksTV]
Available in sizes small to XXXL. From Thingeek: The holidays are a rough time for Batman, and not just because of the “no parents” thing. Think about it: mistletoe, poinsettia plants, trees, wreaths – the minions of Poison Ivy are everywhere! Some people think Batman is a little batty (sorry) as he tears down and […]
From Eclectic Method: It’s taken me till 2014 to remix 2001, but with the film relaunching in British cinemas, I thought now would be a great time to do it. This mix contains almost every scientific prediction in the film mixed with the space age synth sounds that were just around the corner. Much that […]
5 Reasons Winter Is Just Like a Bethesda Game: A comic by Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Jason of JK Brickworks built the Large Brick Collider, a fully functional LEGO particle accelerator that uses a orange LEGO soccer ball as a particle and can accelerate it at around 12.5 kilometers per hour. [JK Brickworks]
Youtuber BlobVanDam re-created the touching scene when the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) becomes the 12th using CG Lego characters. I’ll include the original scene below for those of you who want to re-watch it for comparison purposes. [BlobVanDam]
Take some footage of the best Star Wars movie of all time (so far), throw in the music of Interstellar on top, and this is what you get: A movie trailer that will make you want to watch ESB all over again. [martygaydos | Via IO9]
Yep, it certainly seems so! [Via Geek Universe]
When we look at the sky, we have a flat, two-dimensional view. So how do astronomers figure the distances of stars and galaxies from Earth? Yuan-Sen Ting shows us how trigonometric parallaxes, standard candles and more help us determine the distance of objects several billion light years away from Earth. [Ted Ed]
Netflix is adding yet another series to its rapidly-expanding original series slate. The streaming service is turning Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” books into a series. Paramount, which produced the fairly well-received 2004 Jim Carrey film, is also producing the Netflix series. [via Entertainment Weekly]