‘Back To The Future’ Watch Apes Flux Capacitor

This wristwatch from ThinkGeek may not be the most practical of timekeeping devices, but it’s certainly creative nostalgic. The “flux capacitor” section contains 12 lights. To check the time, you press the button and count the number of lights that flash on. The watch flashes three times to indicate hours, the first digit of the […]

Tony Hawk Rides A Hoverboard: This Time For Real

Earlier this year Tony Hawk was filmed apparently riding a hoverboard in what turned out to be a prank video. Now it appears he’s repeated the exercise with the real thing. At least that’s what the people behind a Kickstarter project, Hendo Hoverboards, claim. They’ve attracted nearly half a million dollars in funding for a […]

Two More Particles Spotted At Large Hadron Collider

The Large Hadron Collider has helped staff spot two previously unseen particles. Both are known as baryons and are made up of three quarks. The two baryons have the somewhat uncatchy names of  Xi_b’– and Xi_b*–. The existence of both had previously been predicted by the quark model, but they had yet to be seen in […]