Link vs Sonic vs Red: Who is the Strongest?! (A Pokemon/Zelda/Sonic Parody) [Video]
Who is the strongest? Which character can carry the most stuff in their inventory? Watch and find out! [Crunchlins]
Who is the strongest? Which character can carry the most stuff in their inventory? Watch and find out! [Crunchlins]
Diablo III was ok (just barely,) but if LostArk is anything like what we see in the trailer above, the Korean hack & slash MMORPG should be AMAZING. The gameplay starts at 1:50 in the video, but be sure to watch the whole thing, the trailer truly looks beautiful. [LostArk | Via]
Watch as internationally recognized, award winning Composer & Pianist Sonya Belousova plays the Tetris theme (Korobeiniki) on a custom pinball game piano. Please note that you can win this piano by contributing to the Player Piano Crowdfunding campaign. Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Tetris with Sonya Belousova’s amazing arrangement of Korobeiniki – also widely known […]
Now you too can use the force… to chop! Each Star Wars X-Wing Kitchen Block comes with five different knives that easily store in the X-Wing-shaped knife block. Though conceptually, the Star Wars X-Wing Kitchen Block is very simple to describe, putting its awesomeness into words is very difficult. And putting its awesomeness as it […]
No, *I* am your Father Christmas… Available from [Darth Vader Christmas Sweater | Via: Geek Alerts]
The American Chemical Society have produced several interesting videos about the chemistry of everything from caffeine to peeing in the ocean. Now they’ve listened to what the internet really wants to know about: cats.
Two Kickstarter users are looking for funding for a peripheral that turns spilling blood in a video game into a reality. It’s dubious, to say the least, that it’s a serious proposition. Blood Sport is described as a hacked version of a rumble pack that uses an Arduino controller to track when your character is wounded […]
A deaf man has modified his hearing aid so that he can “hear” the presence of wireless networks. Writing in the New Scientist, Frank Swain says it’s an experiment to explore the way tech works for deaf people. With the modifications, the hearing aid makes different sounds to indicate both the quantity and type of […]
A brilliantly simple idea that’s already been funded on Kickstarter, Wrap is simply a film which you can fit to a desk or any other flat surface to turn it into a dry wipe board. It comes custom-sized to your request specification and is applied with an adhesive backing. The backing is designed to not […]
If you’ve ever wondered if you could replace the turkey in your Thanksgiving dinner with hot dogs, you’re probably a bit weird. But never mind, because the not-entirely-unbiased source of Oscar Meyer has published instructions for doing just that. It’s hard to imagine this would be tastier or quicker than turkey, but it would certainly […]