Brett Domino’s Super Awesome and Awkward Guide to Making a Hit Christmas Pop Song
A quick guide from Brett Domino to help you make a hit festive pop song. These guys never cease to make me laugh. [Brett Domino]
A quick guide from Brett Domino to help you make a hit festive pop song. These guys never cease to make me laugh. [Brett Domino]
In case you’re wondering, yes, this is at regular speed. Just look at the time counter. [TOJkero]
Watch it. Watch it all! I’m pretty sure you’ll end up shaking your head in disbelief. This is one the most watched animal videos ever uploaded to YouTube. [Jason Schlosberg | Via]
Unfortunately, there’s no sound because the video comes from a GIF, but it still made me laugh. Original gif by redditor i_start_fires. [Youtube]
[Via FG]
From Brusspup: This is a really simple yet amazing project. It uses 4 lenses to control light in such a way that it renders an object invisible. When the light enters the first lens, it flips the image upside down. The second lens sends the light straight into the 3rd lens. The 3rd lens focuses […]
Not based on the popular TV show, but instead the way less popular comic book, comes a game about surviving the zombie apocalypse that’s mostly people talking about stuff – TellTale’s The Walking Dead. [Smosh Games]
[Source: Owl Turd Comic | Like “Owl Turd Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Owl Turd Comic” on Twitter]
There’s a factory inside you that weighs about 1.4 kilograms and runs for 24 hours a day. It’s your liver: the heaviest organ in your body, which simultaneously acts as a storehouse, a manufacturing hub, and a processing plant. Emma Bryce gives a crash course on the liver and how it helps keep us alive. […]
Darth Vader may be a lot of evil things, but one thing he is not is a curmudgeon on Christmas. This Star Wars shirt shows Darth Vader wearing a Santa Claus hat and the shirt reads I Find Your Lack Of Cheer Disturbing. If you have been looking for a faux ugly Christmas shirt, give […]