These Volt (Tron) and Iron (Tron) T-Shirts are Absolutely Stunning!

Artist DJKopet mashed up Voltron and Iron Man with Tron to create these absolutely beautiful t-shirts that are available for sale on the Neatoshop! These design is available in many styles of tees and sizes! (S to 2XL) $19.95 Each + FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING (Until Dec. 10th, 2014) [Volt (Tron) T-Shirt] – [Iron (Tron) T-Shirt] […]

Ralph Baer, Games Console Pioneer, 1922-2014

Ralph Baer, the man who created the first home games console, has died aged 92. His Magnavox Odyssey came out three years before the better-known Atari Pong machine. Indeed, the Odyssey (pictured) was more like today’s consoles than Atari’s machine. Whereas Pong was a single-game device, the Odyssey allowed players to choose different games by […]

How to Do a Proper Action Comedy Movie – And How American Directors Ruin Everything

Sure, North American movies can be great, but when it comes to action comedy, our directors could learn a few things from Jackie Chan. Watch as Youtube Channel “Every Frame a Painting” analyzes how he does it. (Note: to see the names of the films, press the CC button!) [Every Frame a Painting]