HOLY CRAP: Jetpack Man Performs Amazing Flight Formation with Acrobatic Plane [Video]

From Jetman Dubai: Swiss ex fighter pilot, Guinness Book record holder and first man to fly with a jet-propelled wing, Yves Rossy A.K.A. Jetman is back in the sky pushing the boundaries of aviation by completing a sensational formation flight with Aerobatics Champion Veres Zoltán in Dubai! Jetman Dubai, in partnership with XDubai, has just […]

This is Awesome and I Want One: KeySmart – Compact Key Holder

Check out the KeySmart, a universal key organizer that’ll shrink the size of that bulky keyring you always stuff in your pockets. This thing is awesome and I want one. It’s also a lot cheaper than some of the alternative out there and it’s made in the U.S. using aircraft aluminum and stainless steel. [KeySmart […]