Hale Berry Was the Best Catwoman! [Comic]
[Source: Cat Issues | Like “Cat Issues” on Facebook]
[Source: Cat Issues | Like “Cat Issues” on Facebook]
Is there a better way to celebrate the holidays than with a crew of Stormtroopers singing “The Empire is Coming to Town”? I think not. [Ruby Rinekso]
We may already have stumbled on Alien life, but we’re just not aware of it yet. This short but informative video from New Scientist explains exactly why Aliens are probably already out there, somewhere. [New Scientist]
Two Finnish engineering and computer science students have build this magnificent gingerbread Barad-dรปr tower using 13.5 kilograms (almost 30 pounds) of delicious gingerbread in the process. [Source | Via Geekologie]
Darth Vader, Boba Fett, a Stormtrooper, Bossk, and Greedo stand in front of a red imperial crest on the front of this black, 100% cotton shirt. The back has the words “Lord Vader Rising” with crossed lightsabers above a list of the characters on the front in front of a red, distressed imperial crest. [Exclusive […]
[Source: Iguana Mouth]
Hey, that looks surprisingly good! I don’t think “Most Wanted” will end up being a full movie, but I’d totally watch it if it would! [Commandoflauge]
It’s the USS Enterprise made of gingerbread! Have you see how beautiful and detailed this thing is? If you’re in the area, the spaceship is on display at the Blackmarket Bakery in Costa Mesa, California. [Via Neatorama]
What happens when all those milk and cookies catch up with Santa on his big night? He gets busted like never before. I know this is an ad, but it’s a hilarious one. Check it out! [Poo~Pourri | Via IC]
Cats love Christmas, so here’s a compilation of cats destroying Christmas trees. [Tastefully Offensive]