Make your Bedroom Bigger on the Inside With this TARDIS Fold-Down Bed

Blogger and DIY-er Stubbs from “The Stubby Thumb” wanted to to make her guest bedroom a little bigger on the inside, and since “murphy beds” were a little too expensive, she decided to make one of her own. Murphy beds are pretty spectacular. They are also spectacularly expensive. I looked around, and the best price […]

Behind the Magic: The Visual Effects of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” [Video]

From Industrial Light and Magic: We are proud to present a sampling of of ILM’s visual effects work for Marvel’s blockbuster hit, ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ directed by brothers Anthony and Joe Russo. This reel represents a small sampling of the nearly 900 visual effects shots ILM contributed to the film created by an […]

This Ad for the Upcoming “Attack on Titan” Attraction at Universal Japan Will Creep You Out! [Video]

Coming January 23rd (up until to May 10th,) Universal Studios Japan will be unveiling their new Attack on Titan attraction, which will be part of the “Universal Cool Japan” event. The experience will allow visitors to watch a 49 foot Eren Titan and a 46 foot female Titan fighting, just like if they’d be real […]