The Twelfth Doctor “Shut Up” Supercut [Video]

All the previous doctors had their catchphrases: Ninth had “Fantastic!,” Tenth had “Allons-y!,” Eleventh, “Geronimo,” and even though Peter Capaldi seems to be saying that his Doctor doesn’t have one, this supercut of twelfth saying “Shut Up” seems to be indicating that this isn’t the case. –Buy Doctor Who Season 8 on Blu-Ray [Blogtor Who […]

Man Uses 3D Printer To Make Perfect Arkham Origins Batman Costume

There are certain things that are just infinitely cool. Two of those things are 3D printers and Batman. But who would’ve ever thought they would be getting mentioned in the same article? Yet here we are, already proving 2015 will be chock full of awesome. Steven Dee of Crimson Coscrafts had the brilliant idea to […]

NEVER Challenge Disney World’s Gaston to a Push-Up Contest [Video]

Here’s what happen when you challenge the immensely popular guy who impersonates Gaston to a push-up contest at Disney World. This guy has been all over social media recently, and after watching this, you’ll understand why. I’ll also include another video featuring him (below) where a little girl puts him in his place. [Via]