NASA Creates Travel Posters for Recently Discovered Exoplanets [Pics]

Yesterday, we reported that NASA discovered eight new exoplanets, including three that have qualified for NASAโ€™s Kepler Hall of Fame for being “Earth-like.” In honor of this discovery, here are some fun travel posters from NASA for three alien worlds, one of which is potentially habitable: Kepler-16b, HD 40307g, and Kepler-186f. Like Luke Skywalkerโ€™s planet […]

11-Year-Old Girl Challenges Disney World’s Gaston to an Arm Wrestling Match [Video]

Gaston might be the best at doing push-ups, but when it comes to arm wrestling, the man ain’t worth much, even though the 11-year-old that challenged him was kind of cheating… just a bit. This guy has been all over the Internet lately, does anyone knows if he has a Facebook fan page/Twitter account? [Peyton […]