Sailor Moon and Other Characters from Pop Culture Get Dalekified

These fun polymer clay Dalek figures were all created by Deviantart user egyptianruin and bring a unique twist to the Dalek’s evil nature by mashing them up with characters from pop culture such as Sailor Moon, Link, or the Dragonborn. Unfortunately, these are not for sale, but the creator has an Etsy shop where she […]

The Muppets Movies, Ranked from Best to Worst

Warning: Intro is NSFW. Let’s get something straight, right off the jump. All Muppet’s movies are awesome, straight up. Even the ones that may slip up here and there are still movies featuring Muppets, therefore, by default, awesome. But CinemaSins Jeremy did put together a pretty nice list of them Muppet movies ranked from best […]

Researchers Create Program that “Solves” Texas Hold’em Poker

Researchers in Canada say they’ve created a computer program that has “weakly solved” a form of poker. It may be the first such solution for a game where players don’t have all relevant information available to them. Cepheus, developed at the University of Alberta, is said to be able to play a perfect game of two-player […]