We Finally Have Subtitles for R2D2’s Beeps and Whistles Thanks to Eclectic Method

Eclectic Method are an audio-visual team who just went and did something awesome (or hugely sacrilegious depending on how you view certain classics). They added subtitles to the various beeps and whistles of R2-D2 from the Star Wars films. While it may sound like a one-off joke, they give him a bubbling personality and it […]

Seven-Year-Old Boy Gets a Clone Trooper Prosthetic Arm [Video]

E-Nable and John Peterson, with the help of the 501st, recently gave an awesome 3D printed Star Wars clone trooper prosthetic arm and helmet to 7-year-old Liam Porter from Augusta, Georgia. E-Nable is an organization that uses 3D printing to build low-cost prosthetic limbs for kids who are growing up too quickly to quality for […]