This Talking Budgie is a Time Lord in Hiding [Narrated by the 10th Doctor]

Watch as David Tenant narrates the first episode of “Pets – Wild at Heart” where we see the extraordinary mimicking skill of a very special budgie named “Disco.” Disco has memorized over 130 phrases, and he seems to think he’s the avian version of a Time Lord. He’s also a little short to be a […]

New Star Wars #1 Comic Book Featuring an Exclusive Variant Cover!

Here is the first issue of the whole new Star Wars comic book series from Marvel featuring an exclusive variant cover by artist Pasqual Ferry! Set directly after the events of Star Wars: Episode IV, the series (helmed by the all-star creative of team of writer Jason Aaron and artist John Cassaday) is going to […]

Cellphone Time Bug Causes Aussie Confusion

Bleary-eyed Australian commuters confused by the dark turned out to be victims of a bug in local cellphone towers. Local radio stations reported numerous calls from drivers in Brisbane wondering why traffic was busier than usual before the traditional rush hour. Meanwhile coffee shops reported customers who seemed less amplified than normal, while one radio […]