A New Look at the Star Wars Ep. VII Lightsabers [Video]
Ok, this is getting out of hand… [Mr.TVCow]
Ok, this is getting out of hand… [Mr.TVCow]
A beautiful ring crafted (gold or silver) to look like a Golden Snitch from Harry Potter. From Etsy seller alchemyhouse: At this ring, have a look It was inspired by a book If you’re a wizard or witch You could use it to get hitched In gold or silver it may be bought but official […]
“Exploding Kittens” is an upcoming game by The Oatmeal creator Matthew Inman that is currently up for funding on kickstarter. Just 20 minutes after being launched, the game reached its kickstarting goal, and then busted the 1000% mark after just an hour! As I’m writing this, the project has received over $1,123,466! Exploding Kittens is […]
Another fantastic comic by Mr. Lovenstein. Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Number one is a jerk, but when pushed too far, an eight can become infinite and limitless. That’s what often happens to bullies who go too far. I’ve seen it happen a few times in high-school. Victims end up getting really mad, and then they fight back. To […]
Watch as two video game legends fight each other: Fallout’s Vault Boy versus Skyrim’s Dovahkiin! [andrewmfilms]
Oh come on. Everyone knows the Dragon would win this fight. Plus I thought Smithsonian was supposed to be a serious organization? Are they turning into another History channel? [Smithsonian Channel]
Want a girlfriend or boyfriend, but don’t want to put in the time or effort or actually have a living person in your life? We have an app for that! It is called Invisible Girlfriend and Invisible Boyfriend and it does exactly what the name seems to imply. It creates a virtual partner for you to […]
[Source: Up and Out Comics by Jeremy Kaye]
Once again a list of the most used passwords has revealed some obvious choices. And once again, that tells us nothing about the state of security. As happens every year, SplashData (which by amazing coincidence is a password manager service provider) has published a list of the most common passwords, based on databases that have […]
This cat should be auditioning to be part of the next Mario game or movie! [ignoramusky]