JUST SURF THE NET: A Funky Tribute to The Internet of the 1990s!
A funky musical tribute to the internet’s golden age, the 1990s, by Youtuber melodysheep. [melodysheep]
A funky musical tribute to the internet’s golden age, the 1990s, by Youtuber melodysheep. [melodysheep]
You may look at this and laugh, but if you read my pieces on this site every day you know, this is just another sign of the impending robopocalypse. Sure, the blue screen temps are way off and it isn’t likely any of those places are going to reach 2000 degrees, but what if that […]
Besides the impending robopocalypse, 2015 looks like it is gonna be a pretty great year for us geeks. Want some solid proof of that? Check out there 4 game remakes you will NEED to play in the impending year. Yes, that is finally a PS4 remake of Final Fantasy 7, so all you Cloud Strife […]
[Source: Neodusk on Deviantart | Neodusk on Tumblr]
Ouch, I wouldn’t want to see any of those guys do a wrong move. At least they’re wearing a helmet! [People are Awesome]
From CineFix: A lot changed in adapting the Image Comics ongoing graphic novel series for the small screen. From major character changes (Hi, Merle and Daryl!) to plot tweaks, we’ll go through every difference between Season One of The Walking Dead, and the comics that inspired them – get ready to get informed! [CineFix]
9 coffee drink recipes from all around the world. Open yourself to other cultures and try them all! [BuzzFeedBlue]
If humans suddenly disappeared from the surface of Earth, what would happen to our planet? Find out in this enlightening video from our pals over at AsapScience! [AsapSCIENCE]
A short video by visual effects artist Michael Shanks featuring ATP’s top tennis player Novak Djokovic playing a tennis match against a sentient M1 Abrams tank. Boom. [timtimfed]
Yesterday marked the 70th anniversary of the concentration camp’s liberation. Watch this drone video of the former Nazi concentration camp and spare a thought for the million+ people who died there between 1940 and 1945. Drone video shows the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp as it is today – 70 years after it was liberated by Soviet […]