How A Tweet Turned Into One of the Best Multiplayer Game in Years

The name of the game is #IDARB, and you either know how this magical game was born into this world or you don’t. Though upon first glance, it may look like just another fun, frantic indie game, there is much more going on here. This game was created like a Mad-Lib, with many creators and […]

Absurdly Awesome: An In-Depth Look Back at the Turkish ‘Flash Gordon’

Many of us who grew up in the seventies and eighties were big Flash Gordon fans. The movie was hokey and silly and out-there (literally), but that is what made it just a blast. What is insane to discover is that the Flash Gordon was actually second out of the box (and the seemingly less […]

Rare Fox Spotted In Yosemite For First Time in One Hundred Years

A very rare breed of fox that hasn’t been seen in the wilds around Yosemite park for a century recently made a jaw dropping (yet oddly casual) reappearance, sparking much excitement for lovers of this stunning creature who feared its time was all but done. From i09: “We are thrilled to hear about the sighting […]