Faux-Haunted House from ‘Paranormal Activity’ Sold

Would you want to live in a haunted house, even if it was fake? Someone apparently did, as the house from the original Paranormal Activity was just sold. The San Diego, Calif., home once owned by filmmaker Oren Peli โ€” who famously used it as the set for his low-budget, blockbuster-earning, sequel-spawning Paranormal Activity โ€” […]

Geek Couple Enters the Fallout Universe for Engagement Photo Shoot [Picture Gallery]

After getting engaged at Comic Con last fall, Chris Love and Kara Kyser decided that since they are both huge geeks (and fans of the Fallout game franchise, obviously,) regular engagement photos just wouldn’t do and got into some classy post-apocalyptic style garbs for their engagement photoshoot. “We thought it would be fun to kind […]

Transforming Final Fantasy Swords into Kitchen Knives [Video]

Every other week, some of Hollywood’s top prop makers build one-of-a-kind items for super-fans of comic books, video games, movies, and pop culture. This week, we’re turning the swords from Final Fantasy (Sephiroth’s Masamune, Cloud’s Buster Sword, Squall’s Gunblade, and Auron’s Katana) into a kitchen knife set with an Ultros knife block! [AWE me]