Nighttime Me vs. Daytime Me [Comic]
Yep, been there, done that. [Source: Exploding Dinosaur Comics]
Yep, been there, done that. [Source: Exploding Dinosaur Comics]
From Fusion: Watch 93 years flash before your eyes as your favorite robots, cyborgs and humanoids, stomp, roll and swarm their way across the silver screen, in this epic supercut of robots on film. [Fusion | Via LS]
There was a time when you could Google search something and related, topical tweets would come up in your search. Over time, this stopped (for business reasons far too complicated for my feeble mind to understand). But recent news that the two giants have met up and worked out their differences has resulted in some […]
After having appeared in more Smash Bros games than his own, Ness has turned evil. His mission, destroy all other video game characters. His first target, newcomer Little Mac. [Tim Wang]
The first Ubuntu smartphone goes on sale next week. But it’s more of a publicity drive than a serious launch. The Aquarius E4.5 from Spanish manufacturer BQ normally runs on Android, but a new model will run on a version of Ubuntu developed by Canonical. Rather than go on full sale, a limited number will go […]
That’s right, Hoth-ifies. Behold: This gigantic Star Wars-themed sculpture is the centerpiece of the annual Sapporo Snow Festival, which started today in Japan. The piece took a month to complete and is 15 meters tall, 22.6 meters across, and 20 meters deep. Impressive. Most impressive. [Picture Sources: Game Impress Watch, itmedia, momoko_f | Via Gizmodo]
Listen as Lauren Cohan (Maggie Greene from “The Walking Dead”) talks about the time where after a day of work on the set of the show she got pulled over by a cop while still being covered in fake walker blood and guts. [Jimmy Kimmel Live]
Secret documents from the work by Alan Turing’s team of codebreakers have been found stuffed into the walls and roof of a hut at Bletchley Park. It appears that after completing a day’s work, the team didn’t securely destroy the papers as was protocol, but instead used them to boost insulation in the far-from-luxurious facility. […]
What is the evolutionary advantage of having egg-shaped eggs? There’s a logic to it, but it’s ovoid! [SciShow]
Because Warcraft and collectible card games weren’t nerdy enough on their own, Blizzard presents Hearthstone. [Smosh Games]