These Beautiful Star Trek Coins Let You Buy Actual Stuff on the Island Nation of Tuvalu!

These beautiful Star Trek coins can actually be used as legal tender on the Pacific Islan Nation of Tuvalu. On one side, the coins feature the face of Elizabeth II, and on the other side, you can have either Captain Kirk or the USS Enterprise. Made out of almost pure silver, the coins will soon […]

Relocated Chimps May Have Adopted Local Dialect

Headlines suggest Dutch chimpanzees have learned to grunt with a Scottish accent. But the findings don’t quite back that out, and exactly what has happened may not be quite so simplistic. Christian Science Monitor reported on the experiment at Edinburgh Zoo in the United Kingdom. There a group of chimpanzees raised in the Netherlands moved […]

Microsoft Will Finish Windows 10 in June

For those tapping your fingers together feverishly waiting for the newest OS for their PC’s, looks like Microsoft will be finishing up Windows 10 in June. While that may seem like a short time between announcement and release, they followed a very similar template with Windows 8, so it’s not like they can’t deliver on […]