Tongue Wrestle Mania: 13 French Kissing Villains to Avoid This Valentine’s Day + The Science of French Kissing

Valentine’s Day is already here, geeks. For some of us it’ll just be another night spent crying into our Star Wars pillowcase. A lucky few will probably get laid. But for the rest of us, with just the right mix of charm and alcohol, we might actually convince someone to do the tongue tango. French […]

50 Shades of Grey: The Über Geek Edition

Considering that tomorrow is Valentine’s day and that 50 Shades of Grey was just released on the big screen (and apparently sucks big time,) here is the “Geeks are Sexy” version of the movie, one that should amuse you rather than… arouse you. rgb(39,39,39) => #272727 rgb(40,40,40) => #282828 rgb(41,41,41) => #292929 rgb(43,43,43) => #2b2b2b […]