A First-Person View of a Drone Delivering Chocolate Across Hong Kong [Video]
Watch as an autonomous drone delivers a chocolate bar from Kowloon’s side to the south side of the Hong Kong island in less than 14 minutes. [Sky Frog | Via LS]
Watch as an autonomous drone delivers a chocolate bar from Kowloon’s side to the south side of the Hong Kong island in less than 14 minutes. [Sky Frog | Via LS]
Here’s a cool behind the scene look at how the dragons were created for the fourth season of Game of Thrones. [PIXOMONDO]
Australian cosplayer Feisty Cuffs looks totally fantastic as Zatanna in this series of photos by George Wong. Model and Costume: Feisty Cuffs Photography: George Wong
If you are unfamiliar with Skyrocket Toys, be grateful. Simply because, once you see what they have to offer at their site, you will wish you were a kid again. But one recent bomb they’ve dropped is about their new chocolate pen. Yes, it is an actual pen that writes in chocolate. Yes, you can […]
You may not even think you wanna see this, but you do. Chia tea is an amazing bouquet of spices that truly wake up the senses and invigorate (or relax) the soul. Chia pudding takes that one step further by essentially being an edible version of chia tea. While we may not divulge recipes too […]
From PBS Space Time: We’ve run, jumped, and stomped all over the world of Super Mario, but, where in the universe is Super Mario EXACTLY? It’s virtual so it obviously DOESN’T exist, but if it did, could Super Mario world be in our solar system? And what do the planet’s dynamics reveal about Mario’s crazy […]
Korean artist U-Ram Choe uses resin, magnets, electric motors, CPU boards, and LEDs to create these amazing kinetic lamp/sculptures that are based on the morphology of insects. When switched on, the creatures light up and start gently moving. Beautiful. [Pier 9 | Via Neatorama | Photo Credit: Gallery Hyundai]
The Just Cause series of video games are beautiful, massive sandboxes where the players are left free to roam and essentially cause as much wide spread mayhem as they can. As you can see from this Just Cause 3 trailer, the insanity meter is about to crank about as high as it can go. It’s […]
Cats and dogs have a very strange relationship. Though dogs are often bigger and stronger, some will see a cat and pretty much lose their minds. That, my friends, is exactly what happens here when this adorable dog going for a stroll notices a massive, inflatable, black cat, poised as if it’s ready to strike. […]
A great many people think geekdom itself was spawned directly from science fiction films and comic books, but believe it or not, the true roots of geekdom go deeper and further than that. There were often indie ‘zines’ put out by local writers and artists to try and get their work featured and exposed to […]