Problem-Solving in the Digital Age [Flow Chart]
[Source: According to Devin]
[Source: According to Devin]
Even though we all know that George R. R. Martin likes to kill some of his most popular characters in his books, the TV show will apparently dispose of people who do not die in the Song of Fire and Ice series. Here’s what the man had to say during last night’s Writers Guild West […]
Watch as colonel Chris Hadfield shares his experience of what it’s like to see the Earth from orbit and talks about the influence the human population has on our planet. [Veritasium]
Watch as the guys from 2CELLOS perform and epic cello cover of Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” at Mashable HQ. Meet 2CELLOS, the pioneers of the cello music revolution, and watch their epic performance at Mashable HQ. [The Watercooler]
Be ready to clean your phone, geeks. Ugh. [BuzzFeedBlue]
A fun t-shirt showcasing the many and varied moods of a stromtrooper by artist Eltronco. The tee is available in many styles, sizes and colors at The Neatoshop! [Moods of Stormtroopers T-Shirt]
Here’s why you should never deep fry gnocchi. Just don’t. Note: The interesting part starts at about 1:10 in. [WebstaurantStore]
Sure, there’s plenty of people who’ve cosplayed Tauriel since the second part of “The Hobbit” trilogy came out, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who impersonated the character that well. Russian cosplayer Tina Rybakova truly looks like the living impersonation of the character (apart from Evangeline Lilly who played Tauriel in the movie!) […]
A fantastic exclusive glow-in-the-dark lady tee from our pals at Thinkgeek! “This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But its unlike any Thor weve ever seen before.” – Jason Aaron on [Female Thor Glow-In-The-Dark Ladies’ Tee]
There are some games that have minor characters you cross paths with but secretly hope you get to spend more time with because they are so badass. On occasion, these NPCs get DLC down the road, but for the most part, they stay just that. NPCs. Here are ten very memorable NPCs from gaming. We […]