For the Adventurous: Mix Your Coke with Milk Because Science

So there is a ‘thing’ going around the interwebz right now about mixing coke with milk and what happens as a result. I, myself, am not sure it is something I would ever want to do, but apparently it is the “Coke and Mentos” of 2015. It is a reaction of the Phosphoric Acid contained […]

Raiders: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made [Trailer]

“Raiders: The Greatest Fan Film Ever Made” is a documentary that tells the story of three 11-year-olds (in 1982) that decide to remake Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took them 7 turbulent years that tested their resolve, strained their friendships, and nearly burned down their parents house. They completed every scene except one… the […]

This “Red Sonja” Cosplay by “It’s Raining Neon” is Amazing [Pics]

Considering the insane cold wave we’ve been passing through recently over here in North America, I wouldn’t recommend wearing it outside for more than 5 minutes though. Costume, Model, and Photography by It’S Raining Neon. Be sure to check out more of her work over at her Deviantart page and to follow her on Facebook! […]

How Astronauts Eat Cheeseburgers in Space

Back in 1985, Mexican astronaut Rodolfo Neri Vela brought some tortillas in space aboard the space shuttle Discovery, and ever since then, NASA astronauts have been using them to “contain” their food while in zero gravity. Pictured above and below, you can see astronaut Terry W. Virts eating a cheeseburger composed of tortilla, a broken […]