Hasbro Reveals Animated-Style Darth Vader and Older Ahsoka Figures

Hasbro has revealed new ‘animated’ style looks for Darth Vader and an Older Ahsoka which should be almost ready to release. Though we are all hoping for some teaser characters from the Force Awakens, these Rebels figures will have to do for now. Who am I kidding. That Darth is awesome, and most geeks know, […]

What If Wes Anderson Directed An ‘X-Men’ Film?

Very few directors in modern Hollywood can do “quirky” and “indie” quite like Wes Anderson. So what would happen if the colorful man was given free reigns over the next ‘X-Men’ film? All I can say is I would see the heck out of this. [Image via Hollywood Reporter, H/T to SuperPunch]