Snowed in At PAX [Comic]
Wow, it will be like the Thunderdome from Mad Max I bet. [Source: Penny Arcade]
Wow, it will be like the Thunderdome from Mad Max I bet. [Source: Penny Arcade]
Late last year, Bat in the Sun released a video featuring a fight between Batman and Darth Vader, and unsurprisingly, Darth Vader won the duel. Now, they’ve release a new version with a somewhat different storyline and an alternate ending. “I’ll take my science over your magic any day.” Best. Line. Ever. [Bat in the […]
The first two pictures of Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El) wearing her Supergirl outfit for the upcoming CBS TV series have just been released, and all I have to say is: It’s just perfect! Here’s what Colleen Atwood, the designer of the costume, had to say about what she had in mind when she created […]
[By Moonbeard]
Some games you play and when you are done with them, you are done with them. And some games you play and layers of story reveal themselves over time and you realize that you NEED to play the game another time to properly process everything you just saw and did. Here are the top ten […]
[Source: Pie Comic]
Nintendo and indie are not two words you hear next to each other too often, so that alone should compel you to check this out. It shows us a very different side of Nintendo than we are used to (more raw, unpolished, ground level) and at the same time, shows us Nintendo is willing to […]
You may see outer space an awful lot in science fiction games, but how often do you see it represented accurately? Outside Xbox threw together this cool list to show us the few examples of video games actually representing outer space realistically, based on science and what we already know. [Image via Woondu, story via […]
AVG has attracted attention with a pair of spectacles designed to fool facial recognition systems. Though they build upon previous attempts, they are still very much at the concept stage. You may remember the first such gadget was unveiled a couple of years ago by Isao Echizen of the National Institute of Informatics in Japan. […]
The developers of a video game say it could help treat people with the lazy eye condition. Dig Rush adjusts the graphics to force players to use both eyes to progress through the game. Lazy eye, which is also called amblyopia, is a condition that can develop in childhood and involves visual impairment in one […]