6 Reasons Nerd Culture Needs To Take a Good, Long Look at Itself

From Gamergate to the toxicity of our game heroes, Topless Robot has some interesting thoughts on why nerd culture may need to step back and take a good, long look at itself if it intends to evolve as a movement. The last half year has not been the brightest hour for nerds and nerd culture. […]

Prime Earth-Like Planet May Exist After All

Astronomers from two British universities say they’ve found evidence that one of the first discoveries of another planet that could support life really does exist, despite claims to the contrary last year. The debate is about a planet labelled GJ 581d, believed to orbit a red dwarf planet named Gliese 581 (pictured) that lies “only” […]

Characters in Video Games: One Step Forward Followed by One Step Back?

Check out this interesting discussion that recently took place on Twitter between Polygon.com review editor Arthur Boop Gies and Michael Hartman, CEO of Frogdice, on the hypersexualization of characters in video games. While Gies is all about creating characters that embrace reality with their outfits, Hartman thinks variety is the way to go. What do […]