By Grabthar’s Hammer, You Need to Sign This Petition!

I sure did! Remember Galaxy Quest, the greatest sci-fi homage comedy ever made? Well, Karine Marois of Quebec remembered that in the movie, the cast members gather at a convention 18 years after their show was cancelled. The film was released in 1999…so 1999 + 18 = 2017! Marois created a petition at in attempt […]

This Notorious B.I.G. and ‘Dinosaurs’ Lip Sync Will Complete Your Life [VIDEO]

Seriously. I’m not accusing YouTuber Benjamin Roberts of being “under the influence” or anything, so let’s just say he’s a genius. A genius for realizing that when you combine Biggie with Earl Sinclair of “Dinosaurs” fame, you achieve perfection. Warning: Language [via YouTube]

6 Tubular 80’s Movies for Geeks

The 80’s were kind of hilarious. From the bright, flashy colors of the clothing to the oddly soothing tones of the new wave music, it is not an easy decade to forget. What a lot of people fail to remember about the 80’s is that they laid down a great foundation of geekery in many […]

Jennifer Townley’s Magnificent Kinetic Sculptures Impress All

Jennifer Townley’s kinetic sculptures blow the mind. It is like you are looking at a living, breathing piece of work, though it is purely one artist’s vision realized. Her ideas come from her love of science, as you can see represented in her work. It’s the crossroads where art and science meet and create something […]

Why Does Mario Run To The Right?

A psychologist believes side-scroller characters like Mario move from left to right because people have a bias towards depicting movement in that direction. Why exactly that should be is not so clear. Dr Peter Walker of Lancaster University in the United Kingdom explored the topic in an article for the journal Perception titled: “Depicting visual […]