Michael Biehn To Return As Hicks in “Alien” Sequel!

About a month ago, writer-director Neill Blomkamp announced that his Alien concept art was going to become a movie reality. Now, actor Michael Biehn, who played Cpl. Dwayne Hicks in Aliens has announced that he will be reprising his role of Hicks in Blomkamp’s sequel! It's official, I will be reprising my role as 'Cpl.' […]

These Squirrels Become Jedi Knights (Among Other Things) in the Afterlife [Picture Gallery]

What you are seeing here are not photoshopped pictures but the work of Corin Teeters from Teeters’ Taxidermy Studio. For those interested, the piece above, featuring a Jedi and a Sith fighting to the death, is currently up for auction on ebay for $600. Oh, and yes, the lightsabers actually do light up! Here are […]

Nerdist Presents: Enjoy Your Burrito! + What Would YOU put in YOUR Ideal burrito?

If you’re even remotely aware of Nerdist, you should already know that burritos reign supreme, as they are founder Chris Hardwick’s favorite food. Heck, the Nerdist motto is even “Enjoy your burrito”! The love of the stuffed, cylindrical, tortilla’d food has consumed the business so much that they are now part of their interview questions. […]

This Spectacular “Proof of Concept” Sci-Fi Trailer for “The Leviathan” Will Leave You Wanting for More!

Wow. Just wow. Apparently, this is just a “proof of concept” trailer for a movie featuring people hunting gigantic flying beasts to harvest their eggs, which contain exotic matter that allows ships to travel at faster than light speeds. I don’t know about you guys, but I want to see more. A lot more. [Ruairi […]

“Star Wars: Aftermath” Novel Will Bridge Gap Between “The Return of the Jedi” and “The Force Awakens”

Star Wars: Aftermath is an upcoming novel by acclaimed writer Chuck Wendig that will bridge the gap between The Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi and the next movie in the Star Wars Saga, The Force Awakens. Unsurprisingly, the book will be the first part of a trilogy. The second Death Star is […]