A Fully Knitted Captain America Costume [Pics]

Cosplayer FangirlPhysics didn’t want just any regular Captain America costume to wear at her next convention, so instead of creating a traditional outfit, she decided to knit one instead, and I have to say, It looks fantastic! Pictures by David Alvarez Photography (above) and Corpus Photography (below.) [Fangirlphisics on Facebook | Fangirlphysics on Deviantart]

Take That, Airbender! [Comic]

Sometimes, the most practical uses of the elements and elemental magic run way deeper than your average mind can grasp. Now THAT’S an Avatar! Of all the nations, the armies of the ununoctium-benders are probably the least intimidating. The xenon-benders come close, but their flickery signs are at least effective for propaganda. [Source: XKCD]

A Boy and His Kite: Amazing Unreal Engine 4 at Work

The Unreal engine has always been an amazing and beneficial tool for game creators. Every time they release a new, updated version of their engine, they often release a sort of tech demo, too, highlighting just what the engine can do. In this case, Epic Games released a short film made using the engine, called […]