Akira: The Difference Between the Anime and the Manga

CineFix teamed up with Tom Pinchuk from AnimeVice to take a look at the differnce between Akira: The Anime and Akira: The Manga. For those of you who have both read the manga and watched the anime, which do you think is better? Let us know in the comments below! –Akira: 25th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray/DVD […]

Fantasy Movie Flop From 2005 to Get the TV Series Treatment

Remember this 2005 Terry Gilliam film starring Matt Damon and Heath Ledger? (Yeah, I had forgotten, too.) Well, Miramax has given the go-ahead to turn the movie into a potential TV series. Despite Gilliam reworking Ehren Kruger’s script, Kruger remained the sole screenwriter in the credits. Development is still in the early stages and no […]