Graphene Hits Consumer Market In A Lightbulb

The super-strong, super-light material graphene is getting another use: as a way to make LED lightbulbs cheaper and more efficient. The new bulbs will be produced by Graphene Lighting PLC, a commercial offshoot of the University of Manchester where the material was first isolated in 2003. That earned the Nobel Prize in Physics for Konstantin […]

Why Computer Color is Broken and How You Can Fix It [Video]

A quick and simple explanation on why computer color is broken. Basically, it all boils down to how people perceive colors and how computers approach the problem through a mathematically correct, even though “broken” to the human eye, algorithm. Fixing this in photoshop is super easy! Just go in “Color Settings” and check the “Blend […]

10 Video Games Coming in 2015 That We Are Genuinely Excited About

It seems like 2015 will the year the eighth generation of consoles finally finds its stride. Let’s be honest here, so far there hasn’t been that one must-buy game for them yet, but that looks all set to change in the forthcoming year. We thought we would take a quick look at some of the […]

“Game of Thrones” Star to Appear on “Doctor Who”!

Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark on HBO’s Game of Thrones, will guest star on an upcoming episode of Doctor Who! Little information is currently known, but according to Steven Moffatt, “she is going to challenge the Doctor in very unexpected ways.” For her part, Williams is excited to become a part of British culture […]

Handpainted Silk Wings Perfect for Dancing, Costuming [PICS]

Based in Europe, Praconia DOR Silk specializes in handcrafted silk butterfly wings. According to various products descriptions, they have been made with belly dancers in mind — but I bet they’d look stunning in a ballet or even for cosplaying, too. Each pair of wings is made to order and runs about $145. [via Etsy]

All The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fan Theories You Absolutely Need To Know

The one thing that can be said about Game of Thrones is that the world is rich and ripe with characterizations and story lines. This makes Game of Thrones a very easy story to work fan theories around, simply because so much is going on. And sometimes, the speculation ends up being right and minds are […]