Game of Pancakes [Pics + Video]
Nathan Shields of Saipancakes made these delicious-looking Game of Thrones pancakes in honor of last night’s premiere of the show. You can watch how he made these by watching the video below. [Source: Saipancakes]
Nathan Shields of Saipancakes made these delicious-looking Game of Thrones pancakes in honor of last night’s premiere of the show. You can watch how he made these by watching the video below. [Source: Saipancakes]
Early reviews of Mortal Kombat X are generally positive, but it’s clear the game is very much shaped to the 2015 gaming market. As well as buying new fighters as DLC, there’s an option to make micropayments to get “easy fatalities.” Using an easy fatality means being able to carry out the ultimate in finishing […]
Bill Hammack (The Engineer Guy) details the engineering choices underlying the design of a beverage can He explains why it is cylindrical, outlines the manufacturing steps needed to created the can, notes why the can narrows near it lid, show close ups of the double-seam that hold the lid on, and details the complex operation […]
Iron Man and the rest of the Avengers go head-to-head with Ultron in a new clip from Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” hitting theaters May 1! [Marvel]
This has to be one of the most depressing comic ever if you’re a gamer. [Source: Optipess Comics | Like Optipess on Facebook | Follow Optipess on Twitter]
BROTALITY! [Source: VolF Maple]
A look at what makes a perfect cup of espresso. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go and make myself a double. Yeah, I know, this is a Nespresso machine, but I’m going to switch it for a Saeco or a Jura pretty soon. In the long term, the little cups of pre-grinded coffee beans […]
Science never goes out of STYLE, and the guys from ASAP Science prove it with this scientific a capella cover song. [ASAPScience]
The US government says China is using the world’s largest supercomputer for nuclear-related activities. It’s banned Intel from supplying chips to expand Tianhe-2’s capabilities. The computer has been listed as the world’s fastest since June 2013 when it took top spot on the bi-annual TOP500 list. Housed at the National Supercomputing Center in Guanghzhou, it’s […]
Tron was a movie that was well ahead of its time. Dealing with A.I and the idea of a creator actually ending up as a sentient being within his own program. It was nerdtastic, and instilled in many of us geeks a love for programming, coding, and gaming in general (which some of us already […]