Awesome Deadpool Fanmade Movie Poster

A fantastic fanmade poster for the upcoming Deadpool movie by deviantart user and artist punmagneto. Ryan Reynolds himself tweeted about it this week saying that it should get an award! There should be an award for fan art. — Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) April 12, 2015 [Source: punmagneto on Deviantart]

GameStop To Buy And Sell Retro Consoles & Games

GameStop is to start accepting retro consoles and games as tradeins. It will then sell them via its online store. The program will cover consoles from Nintendo (NES, SNES and N64), Sega (Genesis and Dreamcast) and Sony (original Playstation) plus associated games and accessories. GameStop already accepts several later consoles. It’s a test program at […]