The Cast Of The Original Star Wars Saga: Then vs. Now
A look at the cast of the original Star Wars trilogy from what they looked when they first started filming the movies compared to what they look like today. [BuzzFeedYellow]
A look at the cast of the original Star Wars trilogy from what they looked when they first started filming the movies compared to what they look like today. [BuzzFeedYellow]
Press “Stort” to Begin! Don’t you just hate those darn third party controllers? :) [CH]
A $9 computer project has been fully funded on Kickstarter. As you’d expect, CHIP is pretty bare-boned, with extra costs for some connections, though a $49 touchscreen version is the most interesting configuration. The basic edition of CHIP is effectively the circuit board ripped out of a bargain-basement Linux mini-PC. Most of the connections are […]
For those who haven’t heard, President Obama thanked Japan for anime (among other things) during an ambassadorial ceremony back in late April, so with this in mind, artist Sarah Yoshi from Berds and Nerds crated the following comic: [Source: Berds and Nerds]
Prepare yourself and your family, as two of the most beloved and cherished Sci-fi/Fantasy franchises of all time, collide in this Star-tacular, motion picture event! While on a routine exploration mission, Captain James T. Kirk, and the loyal crew of the U.S.S Enterprise, become entangled in an Evil galactic scheme, that not only threatens the […]
Saving the planet with their cuteness! [via Scrappy Dixon / YouTube]
A brief history of the outdated PG-13 rating system. [Pitchfork]
From Thinkgeek: Always have Longclaw within easy reach when you pick up this Game of Thrones Longclaw Desk Lamp. Reach over and let it shed light on your situation at hand. Everybody has a lamp from Ikea or Target. Only you have a lamp that looks like somebody drove a sword into your desk. But […]
DreamWorksTV and “Not Marvel Studios” are assembling the Avengers – err, little Avengers – once again to take on a new threat: Ultron. Armed with hairdryers, Nerf bow and arrows and trash can lid armor, these elementary school kids unite for the greater good: to put an end to homework. [DreamWorksTV]
Every month new games come out, but which one should you invest in and which ones will be worth it? Well, I can tell you from personal experience, you want to order the Old Blood DLC for Wolfenstein. A hugely underrated game that came out at the end of the 7th generation that too few people […]