TADAAAA! It’s Done! [Comic]
The life of a frond end developer… [Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
The life of a frond end developer… [Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
Yep, this is actually serious, geeks. I normally wouldn’t post something from a “just hired” press release, but this is just too good to pass up. I normally don't care about "we hired a dude" press releases, but just this once…. pic.twitter.com/QfdKFvoKDa — Jeremy Parish (@gamespite) May 20, 2015 In other related news, it was […]
Totally works! [u3cL49W518]
Well, that was depressing! [Source: The Gentleman’s Armchair | Like The Gentleman’s Armchair on Facebook]
Raising kids is always an adventure, but what happens when your children have superpowers? Action Movie Kid goes on his grandest adventure yet as he bands together with his baby sister to resist the evil Alpha Tots Academy who wants to take them away. [Field Day]
Engineering design students have struck another blow against idiom by successfully flying a lead balloon. They responded to a challenge by British TV’s The One Show, which last year asked chocolate producers Nestle to make a chocolate teapot, based around the idiom that such a receptacle is the epitome of uselessness. In fact it proved […]
From Thinkgeek: The perfect statuary to go with your newly-acquired Star Trek plants? Why, that would be the Star Trek Garden Gnomes, of course! They come in four flavors. Here’s how the base reads on each: -Kirk – To boldly go where no man has gone before -Kirk & Gorn – I shall be merciful […]
Game of Thrones: The Musical. For Red Nose Day on NBC, Coldplay and Peter Dinklage join forces for the band’s most important project yet: a musical for HBO’s Game of Thrones. [Coldplay Official]
It’s just like The Matrix, but starring Mila Kunis as a bee-whispering alien goddess and Channing Tatum as 50% abs, 50% wolfman, and 100% hover-roller-blader. Step Aside, Scientology, you got nothing on the ludicrous plot of Jupiter Ascending. [Screen Junkies]
Anna Kendrick reboots the Spielberg classic with her own take on the legendary archeologist. Watch Red Nose Day May 21 on NBC starting at 8/7c. [NBC]