Tender = Tinder and the Modern Dating Scene in a Nutshell [Video]

To comment on the current dating “market,” four students from Leiden University created “Tender,” an art installation that uses a piece of meat to “swipe right” automatically on a simulated version of the Tinder dating app. Yep, it seems that this is what the “meat market” is all about these days. [Marcello Gómez Maureira I]

Microsoft Tests Low-Bandwidth Cloud Gaming

Microsoft says it’s found a way to cut the bandwidth needed for cloud-based gaming by 80 percent. It shifts part of the work to the user’s device, so results will likely be variable. The company has been working with researchers at Duke University and has come up with a tool named Kahawai, the Hawaiian word for “stream.” […]

ONCE MORE, WITH FEELING: Fox to Attempt Another “League of Extraordinary Gentleman” Movie

I would say, “don’t hold your breath,” but unlike other attempts by Fox, it APPEARS as if this is going to happen. Fox tried to make a LOEG TV show a few years ago — emphasis on ‘tried.’ But hey, third time’s the charm, right? Fox is sure hoping so, as they hand the reins […]