Dorkly Comic: Dating Someone as Nerdy as You: Expectations vs Reality
Dating someone as nerdy as you may sound just perfect, but it can have some downsides. A comic by JHALL from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Dating someone as nerdy as you may sound just perfect, but it can have some downsides. A comic by JHALL from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
YES! 18 years later, one of the most iconic games of all time is getting a remake! Final Fantasy VII will first be released on the PS4, and other platforms will soon follow! [E3 Trailers]
Imgur user GatorMacheteJr has been collecting bottle caps (about 2,240) for the past 7.5 years, starting when Fallout 3 came out in 2008, in the sole goal of pre-ordering Fallout 4 when it came out. So when the game started being available for pre-order, he took his 11.2 pounds of bottle caps, put them in […]
As demonstrated in this video, cats are just like velociraptors! I want one! [We Have a Dinosaur | Via TMS]
A company has launched a system for logging into online banks using emoji rather than digits. But there’s no word of a major bank taking up the idea. Intelligent Environments works in online and mobile financial services in the UK. Among its products is a financial services ‘platform’ that includes login systems. The company has […]
Can’t wait for this game to come out! In Star Wars™ Battlefront™ you can battle in epic 40 multiplayer battles reminiscent of The Battle of Hoth. As the Empire, you must accompany AT-AT walkers as they march towards the Rebel base to destroy it. And as a Rebel, you must do everything you can to […]
A new adventure awaits in the Mass Effect universe. With stunning visuals and a new galaxy to discover, BioWare delivers the next generation of space exploration. Mass Effect: Andromeda – Coming Holiday 2016 to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. [Mass Effect]
So over at Kotaku today, they posted the above photo, saying it is rumored to be a screen cap from an upcoming Transformers game (based on the cartoons and not the awful movies). With the flames of E3 just starting to burn, we can only pray this proves to be true and not some screenshot […]
We are all collectively drooling over the new Doom game right now (at least I am) and with good reason. The new footage looks sick (and very Doom-like) (Trailer below). But get your bibs ready, because here is even more information about this heavily desired game and what we can expect from it. I actually find […]
Holiday 2016? Is this a joke? The release date is about a year and a half away! It’s just torture! Gears of War 4 XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE. Live from E3, the world premiere gameplay preview of the upcoming Gears of War 4. A new saga begins, coming Holiday 2016. [Xbox]