The ‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ Trailer is Here!
So we get Kung Fu Panda 3 and Fallout 4, all announced in the same week? Damn right it was a good week. *Drops microphone and walks away (Via IGN)
So we get Kung Fu Panda 3 and Fallout 4, all announced in the same week? Damn right it was a good week. *Drops microphone and walks away (Via IGN)
Really, you just need to print it to scale, stick it on your bedroom wall, and start waiting. (Via Kotaku)
This Groot-inspired bracelet looks both classy and geeky at the same time! Love it! From Thinkgeek: This Guardians of the Galaxy Groot Bracelet is a subtle nod to your fandom. At first glance, it looks like a piece of jewelry you could pick up at Claire’s or Charming Charlie’s. (Why do all these folks have […]
Can you list a few extra of your own? :) [Source: The Doghouse diaries | Like “The Doghouse Diaries” on Facebook]
Peter K. Rosenthal from The Onion reviews ‘Jurassic World,’ and as expected from anything that comes from the farcical newspaper, it’s completely ridiculous. [The Onion]
From Martin Heck: Volcano Calbuco erupted on April 22, 2015, for the first time in four decades. Located close to the cities of Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt in southern Chile. We spend the prior couple of days on the neighboring volcano Osorno (~20km linear distance) shooting timelapses. After an amazing night under the nightsky […]
While we don’t see any zombies, we know they’re running after that guy just by the look on his face. Walkers are usually pretty slow, but I guess panic will make someone run like this. Fear the Walking Dead premieres August 2015 on AMC. [AMC]
If you’re reading this from the front page, hit the “read more” link below for the rest of the comic!
From Thinkgeek: This HYDRA fleece was created because humanity could not be trusted with its own temperature control. We aren’t talking about global warming here. Look around. It’s always either too cold or too hot in any shared space. If the thermostats are accessible, somebody’s running over to turn it up or down. And if […]
Mine is the truck… THAT WILL PIERCE THE HIGHWAY! [Dorkly]