Avengers of Oz: Age of Tin Man [Parody Trailer]
What happens when you mix the Wizard of Oz and Avengers? Maybe something like this. [Darren Wallace]
What happens when you mix the Wizard of Oz and Avengers? Maybe something like this. [Darren Wallace]
Check out those awesome pictures of a real-life Fallout Pip-Boy 3000 that was made by a fan of the series using a Raspberry Pi system. Not only does the thing look incredibly cool, it’s also fully functional! [THEMCV]
People reacted rather strongly to the extended Supergirl that came out back in may, but this new trailer takes a more “to the point” look at the new series. In the vast DC Comics Universe of super heroes, the rich mythology of Superman, the planet Krypton and the House of El is perhaps the most […]
BACON!! Why is it so delicious? Because it’s BACON, right? Well…here’s a little science! [AsapSCIENCE]
Here’s what nature documentaries would be like if animals were armed with everyone’s favorite sci-fi weapons: Lasers! [Blackhawk]
[Source: SupaCrikeyDave]
The problem non-gamers have with gamers is that they assume all and know so very little. We are not some archetype of geek, and just the simple fact that we game does not, alone, make us geeks. There is much about gamers that non-gamers don’t know, but rather, assume. I believe this list will help […]
We all like Chris Pine. Most of us like Green Lantern. So if you put these two things together, you might just come out on the other end with something people like. After that last Green Lantern film, they could probably cast a phone book as Hal Jordan and it would still be a better […]
Remember the story we posted last week about a gamer who sent in 11.2 pounds of bottle caps (About 2,240) to Bethesda as currency to pre-order Fallout 4? Well geeks, Bethesda as answered his request, and since he was the first to attempt this, they will honor the pre-order! Now how unbelievably cool is that, […]
What’s planned to be the first 1,000 mph car has come a step closer with the fitting of the tailfin that will keep it on a straight line. Bloodhound is now scheduled for its first public run in November. As we’ve previously covered, the British based Bloodhound project has been in the works since 2008. […]