Ice Cream [Comic]
[Source: Tubey Toons | Like “Tubey Toons” on Facebook]
[Source: Tubey Toons | Like “Tubey Toons” on Facebook]
From Thinkgeek: This bag has 15 different pockets in which you can store all your treasure, so you can separate out your gold coins, your gems, and your cursed items. (You don’t want to slip on a cursed ring accidentally while you’re looking for your keys.) Speaking of keys, you can find yours quickly with […]
I will just go out on a limb here and say the new Ratchet and Clank game, called ‘Ratchet and Clank, the Game based on the movie based on the game, is about as close to Pixar quality as gaming has gotten yet. And just the idea that this is a game based off a […]
Note: if you want to skip ahead directly to the fight, be sure to start the video at 4:58 What as The Joker and Harley Quinn team up for a fight against Deadpool and Domino. [batinthesun]
I won’t lie to you. Fireworks are dangerous. People who play around with them on the 4th of July need to be aware of said dangers. With that disclaimer out of the way, this government-made PSA about firework safety is pretty damn close to a horror movie, which is why they had to use mannequins […]
Spend at least a minute of your July 4th watching this man play the 1812 Overture on flaming bagpipes while riding a unicycle. Why? Because America, that’s why! (H/T LaughingSquid)
Are you patriotic enough to watch the whole video? :) [Dorkly on Youtube]
Hey everyone, Just a quick post to let you geeks know that I’ll be at the Montreal ComicCon tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I’ll be the only one wearing the shirt you see above, so if you see me, be sure to come and say hi! (In French or English!)
With so much hype being directed towards Fallout 4, and with a little while to wait until we can play it, I thought: why not share the original ending to the original Fallout with the ‘GAS’ (GeeksAreSexy) readers? Many of them may not have experienced it if they are new-schoolers, and even for the people […]
So rumor is there was a rather infamous troll ruining the game ARK for many people and just being an overall scumbag. Doing scumbaggy, troll stuff to make the game less fun for everyone. It got to the point when other players were banding together to find this player and hold him accountable. And the above […]