The Strange History of ‘Terminator’ Games

The Terminator has a strange history when it comes to video games. Though a good portion of the movies have been decent, oddly enough, there haven’t been many Terminator games that have actually lived up to the awesome hype of the films that came before them. DenOfGeek put together a list about the matter: Terminator […]

Paul Feig Releases Diagrams, Dimensions of New ‘Ghostbusters’ Proton Packs for All Your Cosplaying Needs [PICS]

Last month, we showed you the new Ghostbusters uniforms for Paul Feig’s upcoming all-female film. Now, we bring you diagrammed photos of the proton pack, so you can cosplay it accurately — just DAYS before SDCC 2015! Feig tweeted out the following images yesterday afternoon, doing his best to answer tweets about accuracy and dimensions. […]

Montreal Comic Con 2015 in Pictures – Part II [Gallery]

As I mentioned on Sunday, I was at Montreal Comiccon 2015 last Saturday and took *A LOT* of photos of cosplayers attending the event. Since I had so many pictures, I divided the article in two parts, so here is the second batch of photos for you guys! As always, if you recognize yourself in […]