Pre-Black Friday Weekend: Star Wars Chopper Animatronic Droid, Tablets from Samsung and Google, Drives and Memory from Western Digital and SanDisk, and A LOT MORE!

Guess what? Amazon kicked off its pre-Black Friday extravaganza this week, and we’ve got a jaw-dropping lineup of INCREDIBLE deals just for you this morning! Happy shopping! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (As an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate […]

The Fellowship of the Ring “Rivendell” Scene Recreated in LEGO Stop Motion

From DigitalWizardsStudios: Frodo Baggins awakens in Rivendell, the magical home of the elves, and joyously reunites with his Hobbit friends Sam, Merry, and Pippin. Elrond cannot allow The One Ring to stay in Rivendell, and so he assembles a council of dwarves, elves, and men who must decide the fate of Middle Earth. With the […]

Black Friday Has Started Early: MASSIVE Savings on Samsung Gaming Monitors, Bose Headphones, Fire Tablets, Sandisk Portable 2TB SSD, and A LOT MORE!

Did you know that Amazon has already started it’s pre-Black Friday sale this morning? Here are our compilation of AMAZING deals for today! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (As an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs. As an Amazon […]

Step inside the Pitch Meeting that led to The Marvels!

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is relentlessly pushing out content both in movie theatres and on Disney+. Their latest combines characters from Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Secret Invasion, Wandavision and more. The Marvels definitely raises some questions. Like how are they still making villains like this? Isn’t that the same plan as in Spaceballs? Why did […]