San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2015 Cosplay in Pictures – Part II

Yesterday we showed you our SDCC 2015 photos from Thursday and Friday (and if you havenโ€™t seen them, theyโ€™re here,) and now, we received our pics from Saturday! Many thanks to Nick Acott, our photographer, for the awesome shots! I’ve also included a few shots from San Diego Shooter, who always release his pics under […]

A Quadcopter That Looks Like Snoopy Flying On Top of His Doghouse [Video]

Ottoa Dieffenbach built what is possibly the greatest quadcopter that has ever left the ground. Behold: Snoopy first flew in February 2015 and had been kept under wraps. After many flights he has proven he is ready for Comic-Con International. He flies great and is a crowd favorite every time he flies. [Otto Dieffenbach | […]