Google Fiber Free For Public Housing Residents

Google is to offer free broadband to people living in public housing and other affordable housing project properties. It will also offer free computer skills training. The free service, which will have no connection fee, will be available initially in Atlanta, Durham, Kansas City and Nashville before being rolled out to all cities where Google […]

The “Invisible” Man: A Super Cool Invisibility Trick Performed Using an Action Cam

To perform this trick, special effects artist Zach King used one of Sony’s awesome new 4K Action Cam (FDR-X1000VR) strapped to his back and pointing backward to create the illusion of partial invisibility by transferring the live footage on a screen strapped to his chest. The effect is quite convincing, don’t you think? King and […]

7 Videogame Hard Modes We Just Can’t Even…

There are some games that have hard modes that are, honestly, just cruel and unusual punishment towards talented players. These modes are often dubbed something like “Extreme” or “Live BY DEATH” mode or something, and they often equate to enemies getting triple hit points or some crap, while you suddenly fall dead after one hit. […]

This Beautiful (and Super Expensive!) Music Box Looks Like a Tie Fighter [Video]

At $18,000, this has to be the most beautiful (and expensive!) music box I’ve ever seen. MusicMachine 3 is inspired by Star Wars’ legendary imperial TIE fighters. These lattice-like vertical wings support and protect the dual music cylinders, each playing three melodies: the theme tunes from Star Wars, Mission Impossible, and James Bond on the […]