Console [Comic]
[Source: Lunar Baboon | Like Lunar Baboon on Facebook | Follow Lunar Baboon on Twitter]
[Source: Lunar Baboon | Like Lunar Baboon on Facebook | Follow Lunar Baboon on Twitter]
Nice to see some of the old-school fatalities from when I grew up getting some love. Kind of a shame they are delegated to DLC, but at least they still exist. Mortal Kombat X just went retro. (Via Gamespot)
Jedi Chimpmunk Squirrels to the rescue! If you’re the kind of Star Wars fan who enjoys anything and everything to do with a galaxy far, far away, this epic chipmunk lightsaber battle might be right up your alley. We assume one squirrel is a Jedi and the other has clearly gone to the dark side. […]
From the studio who hates MegaMan as much as you love it come the game that’s taken more quarters from children than every bully combined. [Smosh Games]
Imprisoned by their own father on their family’s property, two siblings with terrifying supernatural powers plot their escape and vengeance. One & Two will hit the big screen on August 14th. [IFC Films]
A really cool live action trailer by cosplayers, for cosplayers, for the upcoming team-based shooter Overwatch. Check it out! [RP WhaBam]
All I am saying, and mark my words: Just Cause 3 will forever change the landscape of ‘Watch Me Play’ videos. This game isn’t even out yet and this proves just how fantastic this virtual playground is going to be. Statue facepalm for the win. Well, it’s more like a “self face slap” but the humor […]
I just got this from my pals over at Beat Down Boogie, and holy crap, I want to go dancing right now! :) The term “Party Con” often describes hotel-based conventions that focus on fan creativity and socializing instead of companies showcasing products. The hotel environment allows for nightlife such as dance parties, late-night panels […]
The Electronic Sports League is to introduce a drug testing program supported by two of the major anti-doping sports group. It follows player Kory Friesen saying he took an ADHD medicine to boost his performance and claiming other teammates did the same. The program will be developed with Europe’s NADA (Nationale Anti Doping Agentur), though […]
Yep, getting a conversation going in real life is often difficult even if you do it all the time online. Being a geek often goes along with being shy unfortunately. [Source: Dork Tower | Follow “Dork Tower” on Twitter | Like “Dork Tower” on Facebook]