Hawking & Wozniak Say No To AI Weapons

Leading figures in the science and tech world have called for a ban on weapons that can “select and engage targets without human intervention.” Stephen Hawking and Steve Wozniak are among those who say such weapons would undermine the wider use of artificial intelligence. The letter was released to mark the International Joint Conferences on […]

Caught Short in San Francisco? You’re In For a Rather Unpleasant Surprise

San Francisco is testing pee-resistant walls on city buildings to cut down on the side effects of people seeking relief. The move is relatively expensive so officials will wait to see how effective it is before extending the program. According to SF Gate, the city has received 375 requests to clean up urine in the […]

Natural Landscapes in Unreal Engine 4 Look Unbelievably Real! [Videos]

Check out these amazing videos from Youtuber koooolalala who used Unreal Engine 4 to create landscapes that look surprisingly real. A look at some of the natural landscapes made by YouTuber koooolalala using Unreal Engine 4. At this point Memorex should just let Epic Games use their slogan. Check out kooolalala’s YouTube and Flickr pages […]