Geek Builds Wearable LEGO Exoskeleton to Control Robot [Video]
From Daniele Benedettelli: In this test footage, I demonstrate the humanoid robot Cyclops MK II being remote controlled by a wearable LEGO exoskeleton. [Daniele Benedettelli]
From Daniele Benedettelli: In this test footage, I demonstrate the humanoid robot Cyclops MK II being remote controlled by a wearable LEGO exoskeleton. [Daniele Benedettelli]
I’ve been writing about the PowerUp Box for the past two months and showed you guys what I received as part of my subscription. Here’s what I got in the July box! For either $19.95 (deluxe – 4 to 6 items) or $29.95 (premium – 6 to 9 items) (+ s/h) you’ll get a box […]
Windows 10 has a potentially useful tool for sharing your home Wi-Fi with friends. However, it’s well worth taking a closer look and thinking about whether you want to use it. The feature, known as Wi-Fi Sense, has been brought over from Windows Phone. It’s designed to overcome the minor hassles that come with giving […]
Each year, on the last Friday of July, is one of the most important day of the year: Sysadmin Day! Here’s why we should all celebrate this most holy of holidays: [Source: Spiceworks]
From psychopokemonlover: My cat always looks as if he wants to kill somebody (or destroy the universe), so I made a Dalek hat for him and now he can be Cat-Dalek! [Source: psychopokemonlover on Tumblr | Via GU]
Artist and Deviantart user Lokiable created various family banners for pop culture characters inspiring himself from those seen in the Game of Thrones universe. Check ’em out! [Source: Lokiable on Deviantart]
[Source: According to Devin | Like “According to Devin” on Facebook]
It is a well known move for some game creators like to put cameos of themselves in their games to see if people will notice. Sort of an Easter egg for true fans to find and gloat over. But as this list shows, some creator cameos are odder than others. [Via OutsideXbox}
From Cinefix: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation is about to hit the theaters, so we went under cover to bring you these 7 facts about the Mission: Impossible franchise. [CineFix]
From the studio that sounds like a defunct, communist gas company and Satan, who is the devil, comes the best way to take the sex appeal out of playing guitar since Christian Rock. [Smosh Games]