That’s How it’s Done! [Comic]
[Source: Ryan Selvy Comics | Like “Ryan Selvy” on Facebook | Follow “Ryan Selvy” on Twiter]
[Source: Ryan Selvy Comics | Like “Ryan Selvy” on Facebook | Follow “Ryan Selvy” on Twiter]
Every Final Fantasy fanboy is drooling right now at the thought of the forthcoming Final Fantasy 7 remake. This is also leading many to play it again to see things that may or may not make the cut. Suffice it to say, one Imgur user figured out one line of dialogue that most certainly wont […]
A fantastic woodburner shaped like a Xenomorph from Alien by UK-based artist “Burned by Design.” Be sure to also check out the predator version below! [Source: Burned by Design]
Want to create your own country? “Epic How To” has you covered. Also, not sure why, but the “Awe Me” Channel has added this below the video: This show is only for entertainment purposes… If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you do so at your own risk and you assume the […]
[Bill Nye Film] Bill Nye, The Science Guy, reads some mean tweets that have been written about him. Nye is helping to promote a Kickstarter project for The Bill Nye Film, a definative documentary being made about “his quest to change the world with science” by two of his fans, David Alvarado and Jason Sussberg, […]
From Matthias Wandle: This project started with some idle chatter with some guys I used to work with. Eric had this idea for a “slinky machine”, which would essentially become an escalator on which a slinky continuously descends. Years passed and I occasionally teased Eric about it. Eventually, I figured he’d never build it and […]
Yep, even most of the ones at the bottom are real. [Source: Owl Turd Comic | Like “Owl Turd Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Owl Turd Comic” on Twitter]
The unplanned bump by the craft that landed on a comet turned out to be a bonus for scientists. Staff on the Rosetta project say the double-landing has given them additional useful data that could even boost a theory about how life came to Earth. The Philae probe successfully reached comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko last October but […]
Yep, that pretty much sums them all up. [CH]
Colin Furze is back with yet another crazy invention: The high-voltage ejector bed! Just the perfect thing for those mornings where you have trouble waking up! [Colin Furze]