The Abdominal Knight Returns [Comic]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
Please don’t let this title confuse you. What Gametrailers is saying here is the best second games in a series. From the Bayonetta to the Uncharted series, they have some very solid points here. Here are the top ten 2’s. Hope that makes more sense now.
When you lose in some video games, they placate you and hold your hand and make you feel better about playing again and giving it another go. In the 1990 game Balance of Power, when you game over’d, they wanted you to know you sucked at life and they did not want to reward that. […]
Video game bosses can be a real hit-or-miss affair. They can be some of the best points of a video game if done right. But when they use cheap tactics to win or beat you senselessly, it can really drag the pace of the game (and your overall feelings of the game) way down. OutsideXbox […]
That’s right: Tolkien’s Lorne of the Rings. Just watch the whole thing and laugh. [Neil Cicierega]
With the Phantom Pain, we all know the insane Metal Gear universe is about to get more insane. So for those who want to jump into Phantom Pain and have the slightest clue as to what is going on, check out this video from Eurogamer. It will explain everything you need to know about the Metal […]
A great segment of Geek and Sundry (presented by The Mary Sue) on how to be a successful game master in a role playing game. Featuring the always awesome Wil Wheaton! [The Mary Sue on Youtube]
I am pretty sure we are just a year or so away from living in a full on dystopia ourselves with the way the world is heading, so you might as well watch this and confirm for yourself whether I am right or wrong. [Via OutsideXbox]
[Source: Rock Paper Cynic | Like “Rock Paper Cynic” on Facebook | Follow “Rock Paper Cynic” on Twitter]
When the bride wants a traditional wedding cake design and the groom is a huge geek, what does a couple do to bring fantasy to a classic white cake? The compromise, of course! Formal in the front: Party in the back: [Source | Via GT]