Spider-Man vs. Deadpool Dance Battle [Video]
For some reason Spider-Man is in Los Angeles. He also bumps into Deadpool on a rooftop. [D Piddy]
For some reason Spider-Man is in Los Angeles. He also bumps into Deadpool on a rooftop. [D Piddy]
Have you ever thought it unwieldy to have both a remote control on your table and a loudspeaker on your TV? No? Well, Sony has decided to combine them anyway. In one of the weirder audiovisual two-in-one products, Sony has come up with a portable speaker that also works as a (very bulky) remote control. […]
From Awe Me: Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman will be building some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. We are so excited for Witcher 3 that we built 2 swords from the game: Serpentine Steel & Silver. Happy Hunting! [AWE me]
Watch as Zelda and Peach settle their differences in a battle of the princesses! [AndrewMFilms]
Redditor movielover278 took a picture of a super star destroyer from Star Wars and superimposed it over Manhattan, New York City to give an idea of the size of the ship. Impressive, isn’t it? [movielover278 | Via IO9]
This is probably the most beautiful, interesting and insightful thing you’ll watch today. It’ll make you laugh, cry, and will teach you a thing or two about life. A great farewell video from CBC Radio One’s WireTap, a radio show that ended on August 19, 2015 after an 11-year run. [CBC | Via TA]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
CineFix presents Princess Mononoke retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit ;) game tech. No quarters or controllers required, just some Studio Ghibli awesomeness mixed up with old-school style!! [CineFix]
Watch as Dancakes recreates all the characters from Pixar movies into pancakes, over 75+ of them! [Dancakes]
From CineFix: It’s been 30 years since Back to the Future first played on the big screen so it seemed like a perfect time to to tackle this comedy classic. [CineFix | Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy (Blu-ray + DIGITAL HD)]